Our Offerings
Everyone's first play is ALWAYS free. Stop by or book ahead during any Open Play Class and see if we are the right fit for you and your family. If you love it as much as we hope you will, you can then choose to purchase an Open Play membership.
Open play at The Grove is a fun, unstructured playtime where children can explore various sensory-friendly activities and equipment in a safe and inclusive environment, with parents required to stay with their child. Joining The Grove's monthly membership for open play is simple and convenient. Families can book a class to create an account and redeem their first free play. After enjoying their free play session, they can purchase a membership through their online account or at the front desk in person.
We are so proud to announce we are vendored with Redwood Coast Regional Center (RCRC). If your child is a client of RCRC, your membership will be covered with no cost to you. Please select the appropriate membership and reach out to your Service Coordinator to let them know you are interested.
The Sibling Add-On is eligible for families who have one child enrolled in an Open Play membership, and you would like to add other children in your household. The rate posted below refers to the add-on price price per month.
Class packs at The Grove are separate from open play memberships and grant access to specialized classes like Food is Fun, Story Time Yoga, and more. Families should check the calendar for the latest class offerings, but please note that some classes may not be posted yet as the programs are still being developed. If you book into a class but do not have an active class pack associated with your account, a PAYG (pay as you go) rate will be billed ot the card on file at the start of the session time.